Sunday, September 28, 2008

Om purna mada purna midam..........

"Om purna mada purna midam
Purnaat purnam udachyate
Purnasya purnam adaaya
Purnam eva vasishyate
Om shanti shanti shantih"

Which translates into:

"That is the whole, this is the Whole; from the Whole, the Whole arises; taking away the Whole from the Whole, the Whole remains"

(I had a fair idea of what it meant but the exact translations is goggled)

As i spend the night arranging and enhancing my pictures from "my wilderness trip" i suddenly look at the time and see it approaching 4:00 AM and only thing that pops in my head is "raga Ahir Bhairav". I search it on you tube and find this gem sung by Pt. Jasraj (Internet is the best blessing anybody could have ever asked for). This reminds of the fact that when i tell people i like Classical (both Indian and Western) music as well as most of the other contemporary forms like Rock,Jazz,Blues (I just hate POP, there must be some good in it i just fail to see it)its they kind of make a face that suggests i am getting old or have Orthodox thinking. Which is such a stereotypical thinking as music defines the mood and the inner feelings and every kind of music has it's own niche. Actually if there is any form of music which is whole by itself its the classical form. Its just the tendency of people to neglect anything classical or old as not hip enough.

In Indian Classical music there is a time frame for each raga, and anybody who has experienced the celestial feeling of listening to one of them in the time frame allocated can easily understand the reason. As i look back on the last few hours i can trace my mind going from "Raga Malkosh" the midnight raga to "Raga Ahir Bhairav" the dawn raga (4 AM-6 AM). Its amazing that we have lost track of our ingenious and rational mind frame over the last couple of thousand of years. The Sutra i have mentioned above describes the wholeness or infiniteness of things(nothing is absolute, which is the central nerve of Christianity, Islam and the current form of Hinduism), which is amazing as this has been written long before any kind of so called western thought of "infinity" was discovered. I know people think of Hindu(VEDIC, surprisingly very few people know that there's nothing called Hindu in our scriptures or writings before 16th-17th century, and its very much a foreign word...ironic..isn't it!!! i will continue to use "Hindu" throughout as its easier) religion as a fixed set of pagan rituals, which is true in the current situations as people are following all these rituals oblivious to the actual logic and reason behind them.

In 1995, Chief Justice P. B. Gajendragadkar was quoted in an Indian Supreme Court ruling(source Wikipedia):

"When we think of the Hindu religion, unlike other religions in the world, the Hindu religion does not claim any one prophet; it does not worship any one god; it does not subscribe to any one dogma; it does not believe in any one philosophic concept; it does not follow any one set of religious rites or performances; in fact, it does not appear to satisfy the narrow traditional features of any religion of creed. It may broadly be described as a way of life and nothing more."

I am not saying that i know all (which probably is what it sounds like, but believe me i am not, though i agree i do get bouts of a pompous know it all) but when i see people getting prejudiced by what society as a whole have been doing,all the so called "Hindu things" i feel saddened. Somebody told me that "not eating beef is the only Hindu thing that she is doing". I can't express by remorse when i heard this as it is beyond the capability of my vocabulary. What they don't understand that being Hindu is not about what diet we have or what clothes we wear it's what we do and how we behave that defines us. The rational behind the rituals have been twisted to fit peoples own political or financial benefits so much that there's a only a bleak chance that we can get back.

We are constantly being blamed by the western world to have bias based on caste whether knowingly or unknowingly, which is absolutely true (i am no going to agree to something just to keep up a false image ). Surprising even the Brahmins don't know what it actually means to be a Brahman (it has nothing to do with what your parents are or have been doing). If there is a god ,i don't think he/she(i don't want to mix up gender bias :D) well hold "eating beef" against us :D. On the other end of the spectrum i find all these fanatics (not terrorist type but just the highly religious people) absolutely funny. If the so called GOD or celestial being created us and considers human being to be the best of his creation, would he ask us to suffer to be eternally happy. Which parents want their kids to suffer?? If GOD becomes happy because i am depriving myself of enjoying the pleasures of the world that he himself created then i can only say that he/she is "sadistic".

I recall my dad telling me once "when its about your loved ones, you don't want to tempt faith and think that just doing something without understanding is no big deal when you consider the bigger picture". I totally understand the point view , and that's what made all the rational behind the rituals vanish. For sure when /if i have kids definitely my pride doesn't come in before their well being and i will be following all the rituals that has to be followed and probably will follow them more vigorously . But what i am insisting is that people pass on the fact to their kids that whatever is being followed is not rigid and there is no harm if we deviate from some of the rituals but what is most critical is to have an open mind so that they can think of everything rationally.

I also recall another saying my dad uses but himself doesn't follow all the time is :D"tume adhom hole, ami uttam hobo na kano" (my Bengali spelling might be wrong :D) which translates into "if you are bad, doesn't mean that i can't be good". This i think is one of the most important things to always remember in this vastly materialistic times as it constantly reminds me that i should live my life according to my needs and requirements not what my neighbors and friends are having. If everybody things in these direction probably there will be no fights over petty things. I know its hard as being human means that we are prone to all these feelings (otherwise we will be celestial beings) but as long we don't let everything in our life being dictated by it we are OK. Its so surprising to find that people (specially Indian's..surprisingly i find it lesser in white folks) calculate other peoples worth by what kind of materialistic things they have. I am not saying that its not good to follow a materialistic approach to life, because if that's what makes them happy then follow the rainbow, but don't judge other people for the lack of it. Before coming to US i had a notion that education makes people more rational and less materialistic but surprisingly its not true as in India these days certain branches of education is followed vigorously because of the materialistic benefits attached to it not because of an actual quest of knowledge. We also have totally lost the fact that our religion (which is actually general guidelines for lifestyle not rigid rules) asks us to do what we are good at,and not what makes us more money. People(sadly mostly Indian's , white folks beat us here again) i meet day in and day out are all doing things without having their heart in it. People say that i don't work much, which i totally agree , but i can proudly say that whenever i work i put my heart and soul into it.

This brings another saying that my mom uses a lot "jekhane na jaye ravi sekahne jaye kobi"(again my Bengali spelling can be screwed up) it translates into "the place where even sun can't go a writer(imagination) goes". This is a very beautiful line as it tells us that we are only limited by our thoughts/imagination. People have invented stuff and found things because they have allowed themselves to dream and not to be bogged down by the rigid rules and regulations of the society and religion. These days all religion does is limit or cloud our thinking for political or financial gains of some. Of course i am not suggesting that we let go of all the rules and let anarchy take over, as we do need a set of rules and guidelines as most of the people are not capable of handling pure freedom ,as i think freedom is freedom's worst enemy(don't know if somebody has used it before, if so the credit goes to him/her). But these guidelines should be to open our minds and let us think rationally so that we can derive our own conclusions.

As the clock tick's towards 6AM and i feel totally drained i understand that i am dreaming of Utopia but then again we can't reach there if we don't dream of it first.I actually was supposed to write about Day1 of my "wilderness trip" but got so swept with this sudden feeling that i had to write it down, which i haven't done for getting peoples comments about "how profound it is but both "very profound" or "piece of shit" comments are equally welcome and will make me feel euphoric of having touched somebody enough to ponder over it (direction doesn't matter).

Copyright@ 2008 Rahuljit Pal

For more pictures please visit

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

wilderness camping trip, day 0 (June 30th 2008)

Finally after 3 months of starting this blog, i am going to write an epic (sadly only 7 days of traveling is an epic for me for the time being) travelogue. The reason for this delay is blamed on lack of time( if you can believe that..i don'!!) to sort out videos,pictures and my thoughts...hehehehe.

The urge to go on a wilderness trip all by myself was the result of a growing underlying feeling of being sucked into something which i have been trying to avoid for a large chunk of my life( the details of which are too private to mention.. ;) ). But to satisfy the curiosity of any of my readers (hope fully i have at least few readers by now) i will agree to the well known secret that even though running away gave a specious momentary feeling of being released , but it never rooted out the problem completely. As i am still finding out, i am gradually rolling back to square one. Maybe if i keep going to trips like these quarterly i can stay in an euphoric state of denial, but alas this is a fad only for the rich people. Anyway , picking myself up from self pitying, and going back to the travelogue, i choose Canada as it vastly impressed me in my past trips (details of which will be published later) and i have heard so much about beauty of the maritime/coastal provinces of Canada. Since i have already been to Ontario and Quebec(not the northern part of the province though) i decided to go to New Brunswick,Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island (at least that's what the plan was initially) on the Canadian side and Maine and Boston(chosen because its the biggest city where i can fly to for driving to Canada) on the US side. The initial plan was to stay in cheap hotels or B&B's but after a quick search i found that even the cheap ones were not less than $70 a day, so i decided to switch to camping which is almost 1/4th of that even with electricity(i thought its best to have it to charge my numerous equipments). Once again the color green dictated my travel plans(i know i have started to sound like a broken record), but the good thing is that this forced change was one for the best.

I had done my homework of reading up on all this places and looking at the travel time, places to see,made all the reservations and had even made up a Excel sheet hour by hour schedule. Friends and acquaintances will agree that its very unlike me. I blame (i like to pass on the buck,..:D) it on "The People" who keep hammering me with the idea that its high time i grow up and become organized with my life ("The People" are still not happy with the changes though :( ). On the suggestion of Mr. BIL i had bought a GPS system, which came in mighty handy most of the times.

My plan was to fly to Boston on an early morning flight (8:45 AM)(30th June , Monday) and then drive to Fundy National Park(my first destination,10 hr drive from Boston) by sunset while visiting some of the famous Maine lighthouses on the way. I should boastfully add that the previous 3 days i was visiting Montreal with family and had driven almost 2500 miles all by myself :D, and had reached Chicago Monday morning at about 4am and had to return the car at 7:30 AM before going to the airport, thus only getting chance to catch some ZZZZZ's in the cab ride to airport in the last 24 hours. Even though "The People" will like to call it stupid i say its my time management skills :D.

Well it was not as peachy as i had planned. There was a lot of traffic on the way to the airport, and at a point i thought i will miss my flight by hours. Anyway i just reached the airport 15 min's before the allowable luggage check in time. My flight was with American and let me tell you, their service sucks!! and when i reached the terminal there was a huge line at the ticket counters and even on the automatic kiosk's. After staying in line for almost 10 min's i finally reached a kiosk but was unable to retrieve my flight details as their online system choose the exact date & time to crash. As i started to get frustrated over what seemed like a missed flight for sure and also for the reason that one AFRICAN AMERICAN attendant kept on telling me that its was my fault (well partially it was , but nobody likes to be told that) in that nagging tone of voice all the attendants in any kind of public service desk take. People have to understand that its just not the words that we use , its how we use its that's makes it important(i myself am quite oblivious to this fact, but i love to preach). Anyhow, i finally got to see a person on the counter and she issued me a ticket on the next flight( on waiting list though) but suggested that i can try to go to the flight i was originally booked for and see if they haven't reallocated my seat. Luckily the security check was fast and as the fiasco probably had started just before i reached there (lucky me!!!) there was nobody on the waiting list on my plane and i was able to take the 8:45 AM plane. The down side of this whole mess was that my luggage (for which i had to pay $15 :x) arrived on the next flight which delayed my whole plan by 2.5 hrs,and New Brunswick being 1 more hr ahead of Boston didn't help my cause either.

In between the wait period for my luggage i decided to go get my car from Enterprise and get some much needed camp supplies ,like a stove and some propane tanks (in all my previous camp outings i have preferred to cook on an open fire with not very satisfactory results) , a camp light, some mosquito repellents, food (which mainly consisted of various kinds of canned beans,spam and bread) and bottles of water. Thank god for the GPS that i could finish all this in just couple of hours as Boston is a weird maze of roads each going at a different angle to the other(Chicago and New York City is so good in that aspect).

The drive to Fundy was uneventful, only stopping for gas and at the Canadian border. After crossing over to the Canadian side it started to drizzle and become very foggy. I reached at about 2:00 AM and set up my tent in dark (the constant drizzle didn't help my cause either).The only nagging thing was that the tent equipment were kind of screwed up (pieces were missing and some had mud stuck into it) because the previous group i loaned it to didn't use it properly. It took some patience and some improvisation to put it up, but it still took about 50 min's. I had to satisfy my hunger with few slices of dry bread and an energy bar as the constant rain prevented me from cooking anything.
And thus begun my trip.

Day0 drive from Boston to Fundy (warning: until you have a lot of time in your hand to waste and get easily amused by mundane things don't watch these videos :D )

Copyright@ 2008 Rahuljit Pal

For more pictures please visit

Friday, September 19, 2008

sith lord defeated in 9hrs 10 mins :D

Well i haven't been able to post stuff on regular basis as expected(whom am i kidding,nobody including me was expecting to do it on regular basis). Anyhow keeping up with my tradition of blaming something for not letting me blog regularly , i blame my rejuvenated enthusiasm for Wii. I found some new cool games and got the new Wii fit (well some of the games were already released for quite a while but i didn't get updated information as JJ was not here :(.

Well the first game of the list is Pro-Evolution Soccer 2008. Even though the game has a huge learning curve and is not just "run and kick" stuff, the total control of all the players and that too by just pointing towards the screen and not controlling it via an analogue stick is pretty awesome. Of course playing it in the top professional mode is extremely difficult and i have just got used to playing in the normal mode ( in which i loose sometimes to a better team). I as a rule always play with Brazil using the 4-2-4 formation (made famous by Pele in the 1960's world cup, forgot which one). The bad thing about not having the "run and kick" capability is that its very hard for any of my newbie friends to play with me as it becomes more of a burden than fun.

The second game on the list is Medal of Honor - Heroes 2.This is a first person shooter, WWII game better synchronized for the Wii motion controls. Its a very nice game along the same line as its predecessor, which i was so fond of playing during my college days on my state of the art (for those times)PC ,now it feels like a 386 system even in comparison with a cheap laptop. I had my newly bought Altec Lansing surround sound music system (with a big ass woofer :D) plugged into it, and the rattling noise of the Thompson, the MP40 and the LMG'S kept me in a musical euphoria. It sure bugged my mom a lot as the whole house kept vibrating all day long and she kept on wishing that i will finish the game fast ....hehehe..But those days the Call of Duty, the Medal of honor and the Max Payne series were my favorites and they kept on releasing one game after the other, giving very little respite to my mom. Well this game did let me touch that nostalgic moment in my life and i am eagerly looking forward to the new Call of Duty for Wii to be released early in 2009 :D. Well as for the current game i have finished about 55% of it and am currently stuck at the using a mortar gun to stop Nazi rein enforcements.

The 3rd one in the list is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed which i pre-ordered and got a free T-shirt(yippee!!). Even though the critics were saying that this game will be ground braking but after a midnight September 16 release most of the websites gave it a mediocre rating. I actually totally disagree with the reviewers, i was expecting a much more polished game same as the reviewers but the final product is definitely more than mediocre. As usual the sound and story line is amazing and links the part III and IV in the star wars saga perfectly. My only complain is that the Wii version hasn't used the full graphics capability of the console and uses the PS2 type graphics. Of course the graphics of the Xbox 360 and PS3 are supposed to be better, but for me its no use having an amazing graphics if the controls are not good. Some of the critics have said that the gamplay of The Force Unleashed is very repetitive, again i defer with them as any kind of sword fight or gun fight game is repetitive, and there's nothing anybody can do about it. the capability of choking (only Darth Vader's character does it), having force lightening, picking up enemies and banging them around on the wall or floor are one of the many cool things this game has. But the capability of swinging the Wii remote ( named the Wiimote) as a light saber tops the list of them all. The game is played as Darth Vader's secret apprentice, and i gain more force power as i progress. The boss fights are really good but the normal fight is probably little too easy apart from the last stage , where it gets really crowded with star troopers. At the end (which happens on the unfinished death star) i first had to fight Darth Vader and then the i get an option of either fighting him again and move to the dark side along side the Emperor or fight the Emperor and save the rebels :D. For the first go i choose to save the rebels as a good hero always does...hehehehe..but of course good deeds are punishable by death , so i die... even after defeating the Sith Lord. :O. But the bright side of it all is that i get to play the whole game again with all my powers at the current level which makes the stages a breeze as i can kill a group of star troopers with just my lightening and force push. :D. This time i am gona go over to the dark side and stand along side the Sith Lord and crush all the rebels as that's my destiny ;). The Wii version also has a duel mode which none of other console has which makes it one of a kind, but alas i lack a formidable opponent to actually enjoy the battle mode as it can only be played by two humans(physically present, not even online), which sucks big time.

The fourth game in the list is Wii Fit(well don't know if qualifies entirely as a game). Anyway the Wii fit is actually quite amazing as it allows me to do aerobics, strength exercise , yoga etc in my home, and a visual instructor and a COB chart keeps telling me if i am doing it correctly. I think it fits perfectly with my at least 3 days a week exercise schedule, and with the long Chicago winter coming up, when a leisurely walk will be totally out of question, it probably will become by sole exercise mode.

Another game to mention is Resident Evil 4, Wii Edition which i bought along side Pro-Evolution Soccer 20o8 but haven't yet started to play beyond the first few minutes. I am also hopelessly stuck at stage 3 boss fight of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, which is a very hard game to play , but is the best game up till now for Wii where graphics and motion control is concerned.

this blog will be incomplete if i don't mention the new games i am looking forward too :
  1. Wii Music: using my Wii Fit Board and my Wiimote and nun chuck i can play the drums which is next to amazing.
  2. Wii sport resort: looking forward to this game specially because of the Wii motion plus add on for the Wiimote, as this is supposed to give 1:1 motion control.
  3. Call of Duty-World at War: next generation first person shooter WWII game
  4. Conduit-supposed to be developed specifically to utilize the Wii graphics to the fullest.
  5. Red Steel 2: sword fighting game made for Wii motion Plus add on.

the best part of this Wii system is that the possibilities are only limited by the persons capability to imagine. :D

Copyright@ 2008 Rahuljit Pal

For more pictures please visit